Bloggy Give-Away-$15 Sonic Card

As I reading over the basic instructions for this bloggy give-away, Shannon said to give away something that is reflective of me. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you a Sonic Card is reflective of me. We visit at least once a week for the very minimal drink during Happy Hour. We have "Happy Hour" in our town every day from 2-4 pm.

Please leave a comment telling me what your favorite Sonic drink is and you might be the lucky one to win a $15.00 gift card from Sonic. Imagine how many drinks that will get you as you are out running errands, picking up kids from school and the millions of other activities you will be participating in over the next month or so.

I will do a drawing Sunday, February 3rd. I will have the winner on my site as well as Rocks in my Dryer's winner announcements. Make sure to stop in at Rocks In My Dryer Bloggy Give-Aways and check out all of the other give-aways. You will not believe the amazing Bloggy Love going on around there. Happy Commenting.

Note: This give-away is for those who have a blog, as well as, those who do not!!!

UPDATE: This Give-Away is closed and Helene from The Sun-Kissed Home has taken the prize! Congratulations and thank you everyone who participated!


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It's Whimsy said...

I like the orange/ice cream smoothie drink. Can't remember what it's called. Also, have to mention the tater tots. The best! Thank you.

Kari said...

I love the Strawbery Cream Slush! Yum!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! We have a Sonic just 5 minutes from our house, but, I've never even had one of their famous drinks. I'll definately have to try it.

Jessica said...

Rt 44 Cherry Limeade with extra lime!

Brit said...

I love their cranberry slushies or their strawberry lemonade! I love the chunks of strawbery and their wonderful little pieces of ice. Man I need to go over there today and get one!

Britni said...

Well I'd have to say a strawberry fresh fruit slush... but my favorite Sonic item really is their popcorn chicken. It's to die for!

Anonymous said...

Pretty boring, but I love a large Diet Coke, with extra ice.
I LOVE Sonic ice!

Donna Dear said...

this would be great for us since we are always going by there

Jenni said...

love a Diet Cherry Diet Coke....yum.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how many Rt 44 Strawberry Limeades I could buy during Happy Hour with this! My mouth is watering! LOL! Thanks for the awesome chance to win such a great prize!

Erin said...

This would buy a lot of strawberry limeades!! Great giveaway!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

We have happy hour in our town too, and the kids love getting their blue powerade slush. My favorite is The Lemon Berry Slush!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa said...

I LOVE the Lemon Berry Slush! Close second, though, is the Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper.

Anne said...

Route 44 - Diet Coke - Easy on the ice!

Anonymous said...

We love Happy Hour here too! I think I like just about anything...right now I like their Berry Smoothie.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love their Blue Coconut slush.
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Gretchen Magruder said... cherry limeade!!! Really, it doesn't matter what the beverage is, I just love the ICE!

Patty said...

I love Strawberry Limeade. Yummy!!
Thank you.

Jessica said...

I LUUUUVVVVV Cherry Limeaid! I crave it!

Heather said...

We love Sonic! I always get a chocolate coke.

mombo said...

I'm just a simple Diet Coke girl, but theirs is the best!

CrystalGB said...

I love the diet Cherry Limeade.

brandy said...

route 44 cherry limeade slush. i would love to take my family out to eat

Carrie said...

Does the Reese's blast count as a drink?!?

Jes@beautyfromchaos said...

I like their smoothies!

Bonnie O. said...

Yum to the strawberry limeade. I would be just a hero to my kids if I win this. They LOVE Sonic.

Bebemiqui said...

Their limeades are really good. I'm not sure there's a drink I don't like there!
Great giveaway! Count me in :0)

Someone Being Me said...

Yum. There is a toaster sandwich and a strawberry limeade with my name on them. Please sign me up.

My Trendy Tykes said...

You said my favorite word.........SONIC!!!!!!!!!

I am a sweet tea lover!


Anonymous said...

Diet Cherry Limeaid!

Brea said...

It's always a tie for me between a Cherry Limeade or a Vanilla Coke. Ahhh, choices!

Anonymous said...

Your giveaway sounds great. I love Strawberry and Cherry mixed limeaides!
Would love for you to enter me!

Gracious Gifts said...

Large Strawberry milkshake!!

Lisa said...

Awesome giveaway! Is there a better cherry coke in the world than a large one from Sonic? I don't think so!

Sarah said...

Ooh good and easy one! I love the Strawberry Limeade's. I always get it in the Route 44 size and I eat the Strawberries when I'm done.

Thanks for the giveaway and go check mine out!

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in please!

I too, am a Sonicaholic!!! I have 3 favs, Rootbeer, orange slushie and Cherrylimeade

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

On standard days I like the cherry limeade. When I need a bit of a boost I go for the Diet Vanilla Dr. Pepper with extra vanilla.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Robin M. said...

Mmmmm. cherry limeade - with an extra cherry (or two) :)

Maude Lynn said...

Those new frozen coffee things!

Anonymous said...

I love their root beer and I love the type of ice they have -- just right for munching!

Mommy said...

I have only been to Sonic once or twice, and never had any of their special drinks. :( But I would love to win this and *try* them now. :) Thanks for giving this away. :)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Oooh, happy hour at Sonic ... a favorite! Thanks for hosting!

Hélène said...

A hot fudge milkshake!

mattie said...

Rt 44 vanilla diet's a wonderful thing... What a fun prize! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Katie said...

Ah, the classic Cherry Limeade is my favorite.

Katie said...

Cherry limeade!

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

katie at dekabyte dot com

Georgia4God said...

Cherry Limeade w/extra cherries Rt. 44 size.. what else is there?!?

Queen B said...

May I please have a large vanilla diet coke? With lots of ice? Thank you.

Sky said...

We love happy hour too! My favorite drink is their Iced Tea. MMMM...they have the best tea ever!

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

Ocean Water, please! YUM!

Cory said...

I love Sonic's limeade with any of the mix ins. Thank you, Cory

Lettie said...

My old favorite was a cranberry limeade. My new favorite (with an up all night newborn) is the java chiller.

Anonymous said...

Yum. Have you tried the diet coke with chocolate. I think I might just have to get me one of those today.

The Conn Crew said...

I love happy hour at sonic! My fav is the cherry limeade slush!!!

Missy said...

Definitely cherry limeade.

Sheila said...

My favorite Sonci drink is the Sonic Sunrise!

Unknown said...

I always get the Rt. 44 Iced Tea...I love it! But I've been seeing some really cool drinks that they have out now...I might just have to try one!

Anonymous said...

I get either a strawberry or watermelon limeade... yummm!!


Genevieve P said...

I've actually never been to Sonic... but I love cherry limeades at Braums! Does that count? : )

Katie Swaner said...

I hate to say it, but I always drink water. But I love going to Sonic for dessert

Julie said...

Yum! Cherry Limeade and Cherry Coke!

Anonymous said...

Orange cream slush!

michelle said...

The strawberry limeades...Mmmmmm! I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northof the 49 (dot) com

Wendy Sue said...

oooh, yum! I love cranberry diet coke with extra ice!! :o)

Karen said...

Hands down it is the strawberry creme slush!!! YUMMY! A Sonic opened just 5 minutes from us, before then we had NO idea what they were. After it opened....well, let's just say I should buy bigger pants! HA!
Thanks for the contest!

Qtpies7 said...

I am a boring Diet Coke drinker! LOL But I am a serious Diet Coke drinker!

Barb said...

Don't you just LOVE the Sonic commercials? I hope I win!

Jeni said...

I was craving a peanut butter hot fudge shake yesterday...they're awesome!

Kara said...

My favorite is the Cherry Limeade! Yummy!

laurel said...

sprite with vanilla. yum!

Allison said...

My favorite is a Cherry Vanilla coke. YUM - I love sonic!

Nise' said...

Don't have a sonic near me, but my son, who just moved out does and I would give this to him. Thanks.

idyll hands said...

I love that you posted that Sonic is reflective of you! I'd say the same thing about me. If you had asked me what my fave Sonic beverage was last week, I would have quickly replied with Cherry Limeade - but that changed this weekend. I was introduced to the Strawberry Limeade. This drink is far superior to the rest as it uses strawberry puree to make it - when you finish the first drink, you're left with strawberry goop at the bottom of your cup. It's oh so easy to add another sprite or 7-up to the cup and have another Strawberry Limeade to sip on. Two drinks in one!

Melissa Markham said...

Any chocolate concotion works for me:)

Unknown said...

OK, I like their Diet Cherry Coke because they put real cherries in it. I know, don't laugh, that makes the Diet Coke not "Diet" at all. Anyway, thanks for entering me in your drawing!

Mandy said...

Cherry Limeaid with EXTRA cherries!!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Sonic is reflective of me, too! I usually order Cherry-Lime Coke. Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I love fountain soda and the size of their cups so I always come by for a large Diet Dr. Pepper!

Anonymous said...

My fave is a vanilla diet coke, but I have wanted to get try a chocolate diet coke as well!

Kristi said...

I have never been to Sonic and would love to have the excuse to try it. Please sign me up.

Anonymous said...

I love Sonic commercials!

Scarlett said...

I also love the Cherry Limeade!

jennwa said...

Cherry Limeade!!! Yummy!!!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Cherry limeade for sure!!!


Homeschooling Momma said...

Love the ice! Count me in! Tonya

Cmerie said...

Mmmm... I love Sonic. My favorite drink is the Lemonberry Slush!

Dollymama said...

Believe it or not, I never get drinks at Sonic. I always get water. I like their double cheeseburgers with mayo, though! (oink!)

Anonymous said...

I'm really boring, but I just love my Rt 44 Diet Coke from Sonic. Oh, and we also buy our bagged ice there - so I can have their ice in ALL my drinks. :-)

Liz said...

I love Dr. Pepper.

Jennifer Beaver said...

Any of the ice slushy drinks!

Jennifer Beaver said...

Any of the ice slushy drinks!

Brandi said...

I love Sonic (especially during happy hour)! I'm hooked on their slushes! Enter me, please!

all in the family said...

We LOVE sonic too! Our favorites are the Sonic blasts with icecream!

Beth in GA

Mamacita said...

I love a big old Diet Cherry Coke. :)

Anonymous said...

Strawberry banana milkshake is my favorite. Great giveaway!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Cherry Limeaid!!!
Count me in! I would LOVE that!!!
Thanks so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh we love Sonic! My favorite is the chocolate cream pie shake. Yum Yum!

kelly said...

pretty boring, here, but i love their diet dr. pepper with crushed ice.

jhebein said...

My fav is cherry dr. pepper..mmmm....

Anonymous said...

My drink of choice is Vanilla Coke! Yummmyyyyyy

Jennifer said...

100th commentor!
I only go during happy hour! Cranberry slushy is my BFF!

mama2drama said...

I have to win this! Our Sonic burned down and I was on t.v. for it! It's on my blog!! Anyway, it's coming back and I'll be there for their cherry limeade and chili frito pie!! Bacon cheeseburger and tater tots and husband will get the coney dog!

Jeana said...

I'm boring, but Coke really is my favorite, especially with Sonic ice.

Amber said...

My favorite drink is not that creative, rather a classic: THE CHERRY LIMEADE. Yumm!!

Lorie said...

Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooooooh, their cherry limeades are my absolute favorite.

amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooooooh, their cherry limeades are my absolute favorite.

amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Celly B said...

Oh, my kids love Sonic, and I love their lime slushes! Please count me in!

Robin said...

The litle man (4 yr old) and I love the peach tea. We often run by Sonic during happy hour (half price drinks here in Charleston SC) while running errands. Great give away! Please count me in!

windycindy said...

Hi, I love your giveaway. We live 5 minutes away from a Sonic. We would definitely use this gift card. My family likes their hamburgers. Thanks,Cindi

heidi @ ggip said...

I drool over those Sonic commercials. I have actually never been there before, but I would get a milkshake. There is one but it is 15 miles away. However, I have been MEANING to make the drive one weekend and give it a try.

Jenna Z said...

Awesome prize!

Anonymous said...

Love Sonic and their happy favorite drink right now is the lemon-berry fruit slush!!!

Jessica said...

strawberry limeade, fo sho!
I haven't had Sonic in a while...sounds great...i miss it!

Always Faith said...

rasberry lemonade slush. LOVE IT!!! would drink it every day if it didn't make me go broke! LOL
enter me in the contest please. thanks! =)

Marilyn B said...

I love sonic !! My favorite would have to be the Blue Coconut Slush. Yummy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Orange sherbet slushie! Yum.


Melissa said...

Gotta have my Sonic fountain Coke!! It's my reward for getting out and running errands! Or taking my daughter to "school"! Or getting lunch!! You get the picture!

KnittinChick said...

The smoothies are fabulous. Please enter me so I can enjoy on my next cross border shopping trip... smoothies on me for everyone!

Anonymous said...

The Cherry Limade. Mmmmm. No matter what size I get, I always want more as soon as I slurp down the last sip. Great giveaway idea!

fizzledink (at) gmail (dot) com

Elizabeth F. said...

Enter me please!!

Erin said...

Cherry Limeade---so unhealthy and so delicious! Thanks for the giveaway.

emhagedon at gmail

Erin said...

I love a diet cherry limeaid!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. Please enter me!

Thanks for having this contest!

Please visit My Store The Old Outhouse

Lulu said...

There's absolutely no shame in being reflected by a Sonic gift card! Sign me up please.

Shalee said...

Cherry limeade is the best in my opinion!

Kim said...

Oh, my favorite is definitely the diet cherry limeade. When I feel like splurging, I'll skip the diet part!

Thanks for the contest!

Angela said...

yum! haven't been there in forever!
The chocolate shake of course!!

Andi said...

Diet Dr. Pepper. Gotta love it with their little pellet ice!

Laurel said...

strawberry limeade! mmm.... and it's even better when it's half off during happy hour!

Anonymous said...

I just love the new mocha lattes.

Rebecca said...

Wow, a two hour happy hour EVERYDAY? Where do you live? lol My favorite drink is the chocolate cream pie shake - I get it every time I go. :D Thanks!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

LIME SLUSH... I think I'm going to need one today :)!! Please enter me!

Re said...

definitely the cherry limeade slush

great contest - count me in to win! :)

Donna said...

I love them all, but I could really go for a cherry limeade right now! YUM-MO!

Bree said...

Cherry limeade!

Londa said...

Oh,to ask me what I like best at Sonic is a dangerous question since I am 8 months pregnant... my mind is swirling with everything I could imagine drinking/eating right now... I could really go for a strawberry milkshake right about now!!!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

Ellen said...

strawberry cream slush

jj said...

I love Sonic!

Anonymous said...

I have never been to Sonic - does this disqualify me?
If not then sign me up! ( :

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...


Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

We love the vanilla coke. Don't you love the half price drinks??

Eugene said...

OREO sonic blast please!!

eyeslikesugar said...

Cherry Limeade is my absolute favourite! I hope I win. =)

Mystnrayne said...

I hate their food, it's horrible. But I LOVE THEIR SLUSHES they are so good! Please enter me, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Give me a Large Coca Cola Classic!

LadySnow said...

I LOVE Sonic!!!!!! It's so hard for me to decide on a favorite drink. I think any of the slush drinks are awesome!

CG said...

Sonic is the only fast food place in my little town so that gift card would be perfect for me.

Awesome Mom said...

I love any of the limeaids. My sister actually used to work at Sonic.

Ben and April said...

I love the Caramel Mocha Coffee drink!!! Thanks


Deborah in Atlanta said...

What is there NOT to like? I love the slushies with ice cream. Any flavor slushie - yummie!

If I win, please e-mail me at

Maggie said...

Sonic - yum! I'm boring, but my favorite drink there is a HUGE Diet Coke!

Shannon said...

I'm a slushie lover. When I first moved to TN 7 years ago, I had a lemon-berry slush...and that is when this love affair began.

Since then, it has grown by leaps and bounds...but I always go back to that same lemon-berry...Mmmm!

Peggie said...

My husband and I work at the church on Sunday morning. We grab a breakfast burrito on our way in. I love them and it would be a great thing for me to win!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Ooh, that's a lot of cherry limeades!

Anonymous said...

I love Ocean Water. Count me in please!

Queen of Arbitrary Randomness said...

Strawberry Limeades!

Vanilla Cokes!

The crushed ice (which can be purchased by the bag at many Sonic locations)!

I (hear) Sonic!

Anonymous said...

Route 44 Peach Tea!

Last me quite a while.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

TX Mom said...

I like the cherry slushes.


thecoolmom said...

My dh and I both like strawberry limeades and vanilla cokes with extra vanilla. Sitting there sipping our drinks and talking in the car reminds me of our high school days when we were dating.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

A vanilla Dr. Pepper is the best pick-me-up! I'm a huge fan of Sonic!

Anonymous said...

Ohh...we love the smoothies. The strawberry/banana is my favorite, and the kids like the plain strawberry. It's a nice "treat" for a hot day.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Tea is the greatest!! Don't know how I ever survived before we were introduced!! :)

Miscellany Mom said...

water! but i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY love their corndogs!!!!!!!!!

Britt said...

OOooh!! I could buy so many diet cranberry limeades with this!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not from the south but every time we visit our inlaws take us to Sonics - I'd love to take this card with us next time we visit to treat them! We love their shakes!

wiredwilsons [at] gmail [dot] com

Fresh Girl said...

Ooo, I love the cherry limeade! Put my name in the hat, please! My email address is in my profile.

Kyra said...

Compared to what I could say this will sound boring, but my all-time favorite is the Strawberry Slush. YUM!

Jenn said...

Ooh- we love Sonic at our house! I love their sweet tea, but I also like their cherry limeade. Best part about Sonic - the ice! Thanks for the chance to enter.

peg42 said...

Love sonic. We go there whenever we visit my brother. Thanks for offering this contest.

Unknown said...

I have recently become obsessed with diet coke with cranberry. This obsession has been influenced by happy hour as well. I also LOVE the fritos wraps. Talk about healthy!!

lstanz3202 said...

I love diet cherry cokes with extra cherry!Thank You!

Mindy said...

Strswberry Cream Slush.....or cherry limeaid....I can't decide!!! I'll just have to get both!

Rebecca said...

Route 44 Diet Coke is the best!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Strawberry Cream Slush. My son begs me to go to Sonic for breakfast burritos. It's the only place we eat out! Great giveaway idea!

Paula said...

I love an ice cold coke with a chili cheese dog. :)

phxbne said...

Lemon berry slush - with a side of Sonic Tots!

Brandi said...

Route 44 Strawberry limeade with onion rings sounds appetizing!

Chelsea said...

I LOVE the Orange Cream Slushes, but I'm also a fan of a good Diet Cherry Limeade with an extra lime. Mmmmm, Sonic.

Keryn said...

Tater tots and apple slush.

Thanks for the giveaway! My email addy is at my blogger profile, just in case I win!

Teri H said...

I like either Cherry Limeade or Vanilla Coke! Depends on if I need the caffeine! YUM!

Teri in CO

Shane said...

my wife and i use to have sonic dates when we lived in texas. now we are in cincinnati and the lcosest sonic is like 30 minutes away - it is unbelievable - we still make the trip, although alot less frequently - this would be great for us

mommyofmany said...

Strawberry Limeade (with onion rings, of course)...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie said...

What a GREAT giveaway! Please enter me! My favorite drink is a Lemon Berry Slush!! Yummy!! Thanks for the chance to win!!


Aimee Fontenot said...

I like fresh strawberry slushies

Deborah said...

please enter me!

Sarah said...

I absolutely love sonic!!!!! Lemon Berry Slush for me!!

Anonymous said...

Ocean Water! (Unless I'm going somewhere that a blue mouth would not be appropriate... then, I go with the Lemon Slush).

Great contest! I love Sonic!

Bird Stalker Photography said...

definately the mocha java chiller!

Love Sonic

Chel said...

Large Diet Coke with lime and extra ice. Yum.

Andrea said...

route 44 Vanilla diet coke...during happy hour of course. (ours is from 2-5pm and it is half price! I sure could make that gift card go far!)

Andrea said...

route 44 Vanilla diet coke...during happy hour of course. (ours is from 2-5pm and it is half price! I sure could make that gift card go far!)

Stacey Moore said...

sonic happy hour is our favorite summer stop!! a grape slush is my favorite!! Please enter me!! We would love to win your awesome giveaway!! thanks so much!!

Stephanie said...

Sonic is the best,,,especially the Coke with any flavor you want to add to it like Vanilla!

Michelle said...

oh there are so many combination drinks to choose from! I still like the classic - cherry limeade though!

susan1215 said...

strawberry cream slush

Amanda said...

Diet Dr. Pepper with fresh lime. Someone else said Diet Coke with Chocolate, and I'm wondering if the Diet of the Coke cancels out the calories in the Chocolate like some kind of delicious fraction problem? May have to try it and see. Pick me so I can. :)

heather h said...

Oh, I know Sonic's happy hour very, very well! My fave is a regular root beer, extra ice. My husband loves vanilla limeades. Sounds gross, but they are like those green and white round mints that restaurants sometimes give out. He loves sweet and tart together. Oh man, this is my kind of contest!!

Jenna said...

We also have happy hour, which I love! I like the strawberry slushes.

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