The Five Posts of Branson

Twenty-four hours is all the time that we spent in Branson, MO codeword for "mini-Las Vegas Mickey Mouse style" this weekend and I have at least five posts from our time there.

The first experience I would like to share would be our time in the car. The travel time is only about three hours, but I can alway use a good snooze. I had just shut my eyes when my husband screamed, "Deer!" I thought he was saying "Dear!" so I said what? As soon as I opened my eyes I swear to you that a DEER was right in front of my side of the car and we missed it by a foot at the most. It had a full rack of horns and I am thankful that it was fast. Hansel was sad to have missed it because he wanted a deer rack to add to his hunting/camping bedroom decor. Well, the excitement gets even better from here so stay tuned to find out what else we did in the next twenty two hours.

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