Smash Brothers

My five year old girl is playing Super Smash Brothers. Yes, a fighting game! Some will say bad parenting, I say she may need to defend herself someday against the bad guys and she is learning some moves. And you dare not mess with her because I just heard her yell at the game, "Who wants a piece of meat!!!?" instead of who wants a piece of me! :)


John Mark said...

That's my girl! :-)

Diedra Blosser said...

I am leaving this comment because you have been TAGGED!!! See my blog to find out what it means:-)

(Kids are so funny!)


katherine said...

tag me next! tag me next!

check out my blog 'cause i updated!! (twice in one week!!)

can't wait to see you!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute blog...and the depth of "The Monster at the End of this Book" was a nice surprise. I found you after your comment on "Rocks in my Dryer" was exactly what I was going to write.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Jenny. Do you have a blog? I love Rocks In My Dryer, don't you?