Something Old, Something New and Something Black

I wanted to share what I am cooking tonight because it is a family favorite. For you, this is the something old. It is green, but not moldy! It is old only because it is one of my old family favorite recipes! It is Broccoli Cheese Soup.

Here goes the recipe.
Broccoli Cheese Soup

1 medium onion sauteed in 2 T margarine
1 can crm of celery
1 can crm of chicken
1 can crm of mushroom

3 soup cans full of milk
Cook 1 large bag of broccoli pieces in boiler, drain broccoli and cut up 1 roll of jalapeno cheese (any kind of white, spicy cheese will do) and put on top of hot broccoli. Add to soup mixture. Heat till hot. May be frozen.

I got a NEW cat. For many of you, this will not come as a surprise because it runs in my genetics to love stinky, furry, allergy producing felines. They are so cute and cuddly and relaxing, boy jeez are they relaxing. I decided for sure if I were to be an animal in an after life I would want to be a cat. All they do is eat, sleep and look like they are managing their world! That is so me. The cats name is Gravy. I asked the kids why they named it that and they responded with their most grown up teenager voices (7 and 9),
"duh, mom the cat is guhraaaayy"

The "Something Black" is my husbands fingernail. Just kidding. Actually he does have a hammered thumb, but we got a new black car! I have officially entered the mini van, soccer mom world. I love it! I have never wanted a mini van, but this ride is pimped quite lovely. I will post pics soon.

I wanted to update the world of Clappy Shoes so you did not think I clapped right off the face of the Earth. We are here, but just busy as always.


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