This is a notebook that a professional organizer at my church in Dallas showed us to stay on top of all of the paper clutter. She takes this everywhere she goes-even in her car! I have had this notebook for a couple of years and it really helps me to stay organized. You can take even a couple of these subjects to stay organized in the areas where you need it the most. I think I found my notebook at Wal Mart. It has eight pockets. You may be able to get them at Target as well.
The subjects for my notebook are as follows:
1) Bills To Pay:
2) Sales to act on: Grocery/Home
3) Kids: School-Notes to sign, etc.
4) Invitations: to parties, weddings, etc.
5) Holiday Shopping: I refer back to this section every year; this could be altogether another notebook for you
6) Holiday Foods/Cooking: This reminds me of what I make every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas
7) Receipts to Keep/Rebates To Act On:
8) Take Out Food/Menus/Coupons for Food:
If you liked this idea and would love to have more like this, please comment, as well as, check out Shannon's blog at Rocks in my Dryer!
great tip. thanks!
I've got a notebook like this and love it. It makes it so much easier to find all of those important things I always need. I'm gonna have to make a smaller takeable version sometime soon though so I stop leaving my Bed Bath and Beyond coupons at home!
I use a similar system--mine is based on the Organized Home model. I also keep binders for holidays. Great tip!
I love this! I am SO in need of paper organization... being 'organizationally challenged' and all. Thanks for the great tip!!
I love this idea! I use binders and keep them close by in my kitchen but this seems like it would be great to catch that clutter as it hits the van. So often I am carrying things back and forth and I never want to take my binder. I think I am going to give this a try.
Thanks for the tip!
That is a great idea - I also like your categories :)
I have a love affair with 3-ring binders and office supplies, especially in the new year and at the beginning of a new school year.
I had put together a great family binder, but somewhere along the way I stopped using it. Thanks for the motivation to pick it up again!
Very nice idea. 2008 may just be the year of the file tab binder for me!! I just posted about something similar I've been doing for our health-related items, and just read a post about a Christmas/holiday binder... and I'm loving this idea to sort mail/bills/items to act on. I am definitely trying this!
What a great idea! Definitely going to do this, but may change the categories a little to suit me :)
Thanks for the great post!
Fabulous idea. Great blog! Blessings...Lylah
Oh, I need one of these - thanks for sharing!
I have a similar system in a 3 ring binder. Love it!
great tip!!
Oooh, I think this can work for me. I just got back from Walmart with my new organizer. Thanks for this wonderful tip!
Wow, great deal, that notebook is really helpful not only for professionals but even students, it also help people attending seminar such as Covenant marriage Seminars . Thanks
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