Boot Camp Blues

In an earlier post, I told you about my early New Year's Resolution. This week I have been paying for someone to yell at me. Prince Charming said that I needed to explain what I do at this 5:30 am boot camp. He also jokingly said that I might include a before and after in my undies and I decided that that might discourage blog traffic. :) Included is a link to one of my most dreaded exercises. . .the 8 count push-up!

Below is the exercise where I had to run a lap because I said the cussword "I can't" @#&*(&%T$#. It is an ab exercise where you do a crunch on an aerobic ball. (Yeah, I look just like her!) I said the cussword when he asked me to reach to his hands way up in the air. He said, "Give me a Lap!!" Upon getting off the ball, I quickly thought and tried to redeem myself by reciting a Bible verse that might get me out of the lap. . .I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Nope, it didn't work. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense and carried on while I did my lap.

This is one of the most sadistic things to do to yourself. . .to pay money to have someone yell at you and tell you to do laps when you have a minor little slip of the tongue. Yeah, crazy, but rewarding, right!! Six pack abs here I come. . .or I would just be happy with my kids to stop telling me I'm soft and warm like a pillow. :)

Fun Gift To Receive

I wanted to let you in on something I already received for Christmas from a sweet family in my church. It's a popcorn bowl with mini-bowls so that you don't have to share! Yeah, that's what I teach my kids. . .get your own, kid!!! She even included yummy chocolates. . .so much for the early New Year's Resolution post!

This is a great gift if you are looking to buy a family with kids something and you are having a hard time thinking of something. She included the Veggie Tales Christmas movie which we have not seen. Yeah, I love Christmas and I love my friends! If you need more ideas for Christmas or great ideas that work for others, check out Works for Me Wednesday!

Early New Year's Resolution

Yep, that's right. Wal Mart can put out their Christmas paraphernalia in August so I can make my New Year's resolution in the middle of December. Some of you might know that I joined the ranks in a version of the Atkins Diet about this time last year. Well, there was a lot of success in dieting the Atkins way, like 25 pounds of success, but about 5 pounds of that success I gained back around summer time.

Last week, I hit a "poundage mark" that I made a vow to myself that I was not going to hit again. After all, I was supposed to be going down, not up! After some contemplation and some not-so-level-headed-thinking I landed at the gym every day this week at 5:30 am. The deciding factor was a shopping trip with my friends from church. We talked about how we could all use some butt-kicking motivation and that's all she wrote.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday's are our cardio days. Tuesday's and Thursday's we do "Boot Camp!!" Doesn't that just sound painful? Well, let me tell you, it is! Even the Cool Down is dreadful! :(

I will keep you updated. . . but for now just know that there are some days I may not even be able to get my arms up to the desk to type!

I am including in this blog post a picture of my friends from our fabulous shopping trip and time together. They would not let me take a picture of what they look like at the gym at 5:30 in the morning. Let me be the first to say that they are indeed beautiful not only in appearance, but in their hearts!

Menu Plan Monday

Ok, I will be the first one to say it. Not much of a menu this week! We are all about early Christmas festivities this weekend." Fun times!!!

Monday - BBQ/coleslaw/beans
Tuesday - chicken stir fry (a variation of this)
Wednesday - pancakes, sausage and fruit
Thursday – probably Wendy’s, Sonic or I’ve got a joke for you. What is a pirate’s favorite fast food restaurant? Drumroll. . . .ARRRby’s!!!!!
Friday – mooching off of in-loves
Saturday – still mooching
Sunday – same as here and here. . .you guessed it,TACO SALAD!

Although the menu plan is rather unfortunate, I have been a busy bee in the kitchen. Do you want to see a picture of my peppermint chocolate?

Also, I did a little above and beyond the call of duty this week and made Peanut Butter Blossoms (You know the ones that have the Hershey Kisses in the middle). Yum.

Hansel was so excited when I made the Peanut Blossoms. He loves peanut butter as much as I do. Do you know he likes peanut butter so much he eats Ham and Peanut Butter Sandwiches! Isn't that sooooo gross? He always wants me to try it and I just can't bring myself to do it.

On another note, in my inbox this week I got a note that said that the Grocery Game is in my area. Grocery Savings here I come. Boy, do we ever need it. I am the world's worst because what I crave goes in my cart at the store no matter how much it cost. I need some major discipline. I have another post coming about another area of discipline I about to work on starting at 5:00 am (aaaaagh!) Gotta go to bed!