I would pay top dollar to find a solution to this! My bathroom not only has a toilet and bathtub, but as a bonus includes a hot water heater as well as my washer and dryer. Impressive, eh! Listen, while it is wonderful to be able to drop your drawers in the same place that cleans those drawers, it is not an attractive place. I have added a splash of paint as well as some impressive and cute handles on the doors (which are not on these cabinets shown yet), but I need some separation somewhere. These are the things I have thought so far. . .
- add closing doors, but will this make it smaller?
- add a tankless hot water heater; better but expensive
- take out the washer dryer and use a washboard and line dry, NOT!
- add some material to make like a curtain, uhm like is that trashy??
- add some decor to the hot water heater, maybe build a box around it or a screeen