My friend Shanna and I who stayed together pretty much the whole time. . .she came in a tad bit ahead of me and she knows I let her beat me! ;)
Today, I ran my second 5K. It was invigorating. I had a lot of friends running it too which was just really fun. You get to high-five each other afterward and you know that you experienced difficulty together which to me is like super-glue to friendships.My favorite part about the race is the fact that my kids and husband were there to watch me. My kids were cheering me on (even though I did not come in first. . . .by any stretch of the imagination). They got to see mom working hard each week on a goal and got to see me complete my goal. That to me alone is worth it.
My kids are learning from me. They're not just learning how to spell or how to multiply, but they are learning from me a life skill. . .that sometimes even when things are challenging if we persevere we will finish the race. Not always finishing the race first, but we will win the prize of completing what is set before us! I don't know about you but just finishing something around here deserves a gold medal!
For my husband seeing me work hard at something for me is so important too. Taking care of me is not always something I am good at (even though I do make sure that I am thoroughly shopped for most of the time :)) I often do not take care of my body like I should. This is something that I am working on with the help of my family and my Creator. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I really want to honor my Lord with my body. So, I have taken up signing up for races as a hobby to spur me on. My husband gets to see the results too which I think is encouraging to him.
So this is more than just fun, which bottom line, it is fun to have people cheering you on and getting to litter with water cups in the streets without getting a ticket. Running is about teaching my kids life's lessons, letting my hubs know that I care about my body and it is about honoring my Lord.