Consignment Shops

Ok, this a little OCD, but I did not want the consignment shop to "lose" my clothes so I decided to take pictures of them before I took them in. That way I could keep track of what I took and I could count me $$ and make sure it was all right when I get paid or get my clothes back. Was that OCD or greedy, ok. . .don't answer that! It was a rhetorical question. :)

Craft Room Creativity

I hope I am not the only one who lacks creativity a lot of times because I can't find anything in my craft room!! I was inspired looking at other craft rooms online this week. It encouraged me so much that I had to get my in better shape. It is not 100% the way I would like it but it did help me to think better.

I bought the fabric off the dollar table at our fabric store and I found a bunch of Mason jars in my shed. The shed has been a source of distress for the most part but when I find exciting things like sewing machines, mason jars and old chest I am encouraged.

Officially Homeschooling Next Year

It's official, I am homeschooling my darling son next year!! We are going to try out the Arkansas Virtual Academy for FREE!! It is very self-initiated and hopefully I can juggle work along side of this. We will see indeed. PA - Prayers appreciated!

and by the way yesterday was another Terrific Tuesday!!